The second installment of The Real of Time, a new series showcasing durational music of the 21st century, features a new work for ‘cello and percussion by Sarah Hennies. The piece, “The Reinvention of Romance,” was written specifically for Knoxville-based Two-Way Street, a duo of Ashlee Booth (‘cello) and Adam Lion (percussion).
Look forward to the next installment with music by Eliane Radigue!

Doors open at 8:30, music (an uninterrupted performance of approximately 90 minutes) begins at 9

Sarah Hennies (b. 1979, Louisville, KY) is a composer based in Ithaca, NY whose work is concerned with a variety of musical, sociopolitical, and psychological issues including queer & trans identity, love, intimacy, psychoacoustics, and percussion. She is primarily a composer of solo and chamber works, but is also active in improvisation, film, performance art, and dance. She presents her work internationally as both a composer and percussionist with notable performances at Le Guess Who (Utrecht), Festival Cable (Nantes), send + receive (Winnipeg), O’ Art Space (Milan), The OBEY Convention (Halifax), Cafe Oto (London), ALICE (Copenhagen), and the Edition Festival (Stockholm). As a composer, she has received commissions across a wide array of performers and ensembles including Bearthoven (NYC), Bent Duo (NYC), Cristian Alvear (Santiago), Claire Chase (NYC), R. Andrew Lee (Denver), LIMINAR (Mexico City), The Living Earth Show (San Francisco), The Thin Edge New Music Collective (Toronto), Two-Way Street (Knoxville), and Yarn/Wire (NYC).

Based in Knoxville, Tennessee, Two-way street is a cello/percussion collaboration between Ashlee Booth and Adam Lion. Specializing in contemporary music, the duo works closely with its local community to present innovative musical ideas. Actively performing along the East-Coast, Two-Way Street collaborates on a multitude of inter-disciplinary projects, exploring ideas such as experimentation, technology, and socio-political concerns.
Recent engagements include the 2018 New Music Gathering at Boston Conservatory, an artistic residency at the Avaloch Farm Music Institute, and a concert aimed at the local Knoxville community exploring nature. Their most recent commission from Sarah Hennies will be premiered at the University of Chicago in early Spring of 2019, and will be further performed at the Re:Happening festival at historical Black Mountain College. A recording of the piece can be heard on the Astral Spirits label in 2020.

Event location:

The Red Room at Normals Books and Records 425 E. 31st Street Baltimore, MD 21218

The Red Room is a volunteer-run space in Baltimore dedicated to mind-expanding experimental culture, headquartered at Normals Books and Records.