A night of electroacoustic soundscapes and phantasmagoric light. Marcia Bassett ( Zaimph, Double Leopards) and Kyle Eyre Clyd are touring the USA and will both be performing solo sets of electronic noise music. Expect Buchla Music Easel, amplified violin, found objects, sinewave generators and much more. These two female powerhouses of underground music should not be missed! Experimental Filmmaker Meredith Moore and Taco Bell weirdo Jimmy Joe Roche will open the night with a brand new audio-visual collaboration. Moore will be manipulation overhead projectors while Roche contributes improvised modular synth soundtracks to never made 70’s sci-fi films.



Event location:

Red Room at Normal's Books and Records

The Red Room is a volunteer-run space in Baltimore dedicated to mind-expanding experimental culture, headquartered at Normals Books and Records.