At our last meet-up, BTO Tinkerers prepped Raspberry Pi miniature computers for music production. The process was faster than expected! This time, we will look at Arduino, a platform for control and sensor input.
Arduino is a super low power special-purpose computer that plugs into your computer (or Raspberry Pi!) USB port to act as a bridge between sensor inputs or voltage control and motor control outputs. Arduino boards come in a wide variety of sizes and are all relatively cheap. The BTO Tinkerers will work out the process for loading programs onto Arduinos and how to get sensor information back. This is the first step to building a new MIDI controller or a motion-detector-based thermostat controller or maybe even your very own Iron Man suit! (No guarantees.)
Bring an Arduino and a breadboard and tinker with us! Then you can learn what resistors and sensors you might want or need for your own custom control setup. Or just come and hang out and soak up all the useful information.