New Works is a rolling event at the Red Room showcasing new video work and emphasizing local artists.  Featuring Travis Levasseur, Helen Jackson-Adams, Max Anderson, Anoushe Shoja-Chaghervand, Corey Hughes, Travis Levasseur, Will Schorre, Matthew Sullivan, Maya Ragazzo, Matisse Rifai, Gillian Waldo and Flannery Winchester. Tom Borax and Jimmy Joe Roche will performing a live audio/video Husbands set.  The night will also celebrate the release of the Tom Boram/Piss Kills Mold split cassette on

Video Works By:
Helen Jackson-Adams
Max Anderson
Anoushe Shoja-Chaghervand
Corey Hughes
Travis Levasseur
Will Schorre
Matthew Sullivan
Maya Ragazzo
Matisse Rifai
Gillian Waldo
Flannery Winchester

( Tom Boram and Jimmy Joe Roche Split Cassette Release)

Oct. 22nd / 8:30pm / REDROOM / Normals / Baltimore / Earth

Event location:

The Red Room at Normals Books and Records 425 E. 31st Street Baltimore, MD 21218

The Red Room is a volunteer-run space in Baltimore dedicated to mind-expanding experimental culture, headquartered at Normals Books and Records.