Three busted guitar pedals patched together by kinked cables


Several local synthesists will show off their ability to make a lot with very little. For this session, participants will listen to and discuss minimalist modular synthesizer setups. With a synthesizer, you don’t need dozens of modules to make music. Sometimes the interaction between three modules is enough to spur creative solutions to patching and performance.

Michael Allender | Make Noise Morphagene, Maths, and Wogglebug
Jessica Keyes | Instruo Scion, 1010 Bitbox, Instruo Arbhar
Jason Charney | 4ms Ensemble Oscillator, Make Noise Maths, and Doepfer A-174-4 Joystick
Rose Burt | Stochastic Inspiration Generator, QPAS, and Qu-bit Nautilus
WIll Schorre | Blacet Research System: Morphing Terrarium, Improbability Drive, Super VCA

Presenters will do short performances and discuss their patches and modules with attendees.

If you would like to participate in this session, you must commit to using only three synthesizer modules (and an optional output module) and you must send an email to with your name and module choices. Presenters will be selected in a manner that maximizes variety of approach. So pitch your weirdest ideas!

Event location:

Red Room at Normals Books and Records

The Red Room is a volunteer-run space in Baltimore dedicated to mind-expanding experimental culture, headquartered at Normals Books and Records.