KEEP BALTIMORE WEIRD! This is your chance to get out in public and remind Baltimore what makes us great: extreme, unabashed self-expression!

While the main stage is invitation-only and booked a year in advance, there are many opportunities to perform at High Zero through High Jinx, our broadly participatory, informal and unofficial site specific and street performances held throughout the city starting a week before the festival, which are some of the wildest and most inspired public art events in Baltimore. PARTICIPATE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

You can read about High Jinx on our schedule page. What kind of High Jinx have we done in the past? Check out these great photos from 2008 at the bottom of the documentation page!

Our calendar already has some High Jinx scheduled!

Mo 9/16 7:30p: If you want to improvise the score to Jurassic Park or dance around in a dinosaur costume, come play in They Do Move in Herds led by Bedlam Brass in the plaza at 3301 N. Charles St.

Th 9/19 6p: All are encouraged to join us for the traditional High Zero Experimental Parade to kick off the first night of the festival. We’ll be meeting at the Baltimore Theatre Project and marching up to the Charles Theater at 6:15 then back around to the Meyerhoff. Please, bring a loud noise maker!

Anyone can make and run their own High Jinx. If you would like yours listed on the calendar on our schedule page, you can fill out the form here.

High Zero unofficial sidewalk parade route:

Event location:

Throughout Baltimore

The Red Room is a volunteer-run space in Baltimore dedicated to mind-expanding experimental culture, headquartered at Normals Books and Records.