Tuesday night at the Red Room!
Zane Kanevsky of Maine comes down to show some new Quadrophonic work at the Red Room, on tour with Grace Bedwell. Everything Zane has been a part of, I love. His music is crushing and violent but does not lack nuance or moments of clarity. I highly recommend digging into his back catalog, I’ve pasted some links to his projects below.
https://norentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/please-i-really-want-to-talk-to-you-about-something-nrr150: Zane Kanevsky, Grace Bedwell, Vasya https://refulgentsepulchre.bandcamp.com/album/fractal-discharge: Zane Kanevsky, Grace Bedwell, VasyaLocal Vasya will open the show with a new slab of computer music, also for four channels.
https://vvvvvvvvvvvv.bandcamp.com/album/l-q-q-q-q-n-q-n-l-z-n: Zane Kanevsky, Grace Bedwell, Vasya