Language may never be the same for you after this evening. Do not bring children learning to speak to this show! What are words, anyway? Language? Communication itself becomes fraught with leutestimmen gepluud. Que mas phillasteriademalidemphorousklemdide. Izmatrid glent? I dunno.

Did these artists claim this? No. So don’t blame them. But knowing what I know, this might be the case, language at this performance may be stretched past the breaking point.

PLEASE JOIN US MAY 1st at the Red Room for two acts.

Turntable and Synthesizer from Cecila Lopez and BarTog, two artists that cold-called us at High Zero asking for a show…I thought their material so great I could not say no!

Cecilia Lopez – BarTog

B.T. and Cecilia Lopez are two of the most radical and unique voices coming from
the Buenos Aires improvisation scene. Both artists have been active musicians in South America
at least over the last two decades but their collaboration as a duo started in 2023 in NY where
Lopez has been based since 2014. The combination of Tog’s work with voice and turntable
and Lopez’s idiosyncratic approach to analogue electronics, processing and instrument building
gives the duo a distinct and visionary sound. Both improvisors have developed very different
musical vocabularies that combine in a fluent dialogue oscillating between dark tones, hectic
vocalizations, trashy beats and humorous hints that will very likely surprise the audience.
“B.T.‘s turntable performance with synth player Cecilia Lopez — their first set together as a duo, though they’ve known each other for a while — showed an effortless connection between the two artists as eerie scratches and sharp, staticky gusts swirled beneath broken-down words, creating a frenzy.” —-Vanessa Ague´s review for I care if you listen

Opening are local High Zero stalwarts CK Barlow, live sampling, Bonnie Lander, voice and Lexie Mountain, voice and possibly elextronix.

Doors open at 8, please bring cash (which goes 100% to the artists) for the music which starts at 8:30 sharp.

-Martin Schmidt

Event location:

Normal's Books and Records Cobblyworld Shoeshine Emporium

The Red Room is a volunteer-run space in Baltimore dedicated to mind-expanding experimental culture, headquartered at Normals Books and Records.