Saxophonist Sam Weinberg and synthesizist Chris Welcome have been spending many Wednesday afternoons with each other, awaking Bay Ridge newborns with their unique approach to both noise & free-improv. With a constant, high intensity approach the saxophone and KORG become indistinguishable.

Sam Weinberg Website
Chris Welcome’s Website

Umbilicus was founded in 2012 in reaction to the generic contemporary percussion group, with the intention of promoting and performing a more experimental repertoire, much if it composed by its members. Umbilicus has roots in the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. It consists of two UMBC alums—Michelle Purdy and Will Redman—and UMBC faculty member Tom Goldstein. The name Umbilicus contains the letters U M B C.

Umbilicus has performed in the Baltimore/DC area at various venues/events including the Carriage House, The Parlor, Artscape 2013 (Worlds in Collusion), Show: Unsystematic Notation (Windup Space), Livewire 3-Then and Now, Livewire 4-Inside and Out, Livewire 5-Global, Feeling Different (Bruun Studios), Evening Drums (UMBC), and Salisbury University. In addition to premiering works by its members, Umbilicus has had several commissions/world premieres, including Linda Dusman’s Subterrania for four subterraniaphones, an instrument invented by Dusman specifically for the piece.

Event location:

The Red Room is a volunteer-run space in Baltimore dedicated to mind-expanding experimental culture, headquartered at Normals Books and Records.
