Sunday September 19, 2021 | 8:00 pm | FREE
Kick-off HZ week at Fadensonnen with: Jeron White, Allison Clendaniel, Bonnie Lander & Shelly Purdy!

Jeron White
Baltimore bassist Jeron White, has been very progressive on the jazz/anvant garde scene. As a leader, as well for his group “Polarity”, and trio Jeron has recorded with several recordings. “Polarity” opened for Michael Formanek “Ensemble Kolossus” April 2017 at NYU Theater. Discography include Jamal Moore “Organix Trio Ancestral Communion”, and Theljon Allen “Prospective”.

Allison Clendaniel
Allison Clendaniel is an interdisciplinary artist in Baltimore, MD. Her work encompasses sound, classical & extended vocal technique, performance art, movement, technology, and theatre.
A versatile performer and improviser, Allison has composed and played music for voice, synthesizer, piano, computer, cello, and theremin in both solo and collaborative environments. She currently focuses her artistic attention at the intersectionality between technology and acoustic instruments. She has studied voice and movement with legendary performer and composer, Meredith Monk at the House Foundation, clowning with Globus Hystericus, and has toured extensively through North America as a teacher and performing artist.
An avid advocate for the arts, she is the Artistic Director of Mind on Fire, a modular chamber orchestra. During the day, she works supporting designers of theatre with Baltimore based company, Figure 53.
She tries to build beautiful things around her, crafting songs, making theatre, and working permanently as a solo artist and with her collaborative projects: Mind on Fire, Pants, and In the Womb of the Everything Room

Bonnie Lander
Bonnie Lander is a soprano, composer, improviser, and multi-instrumentalist based out of Baltimore. Versatile, dramatic, with a “signature ability to embody a seemingly endless supply of vocal timbres and personalties” Bonnie combines an intuitive use of the voice with resonant operatic technique to fearlessly present music that explores the intersection of neuroticism, anxiety and strength. Bonnie is a collective member of Baltimore’s 2640 Space in as well as co-founder of NYC based chamber ensemble Rhymes With Opera. She received her MM in Vocal Performance from the Peabody Conservatory and completed her DMA in Contemporary Vocal Performance at UC San Diego.

Shelly Purdy
SHELLY PURDY is a contemporary percussionist and teaching artist from Maryland, currently living in Baltimore City where she has for the past decade been committed to presenting new and experimental music. Her sonic explorations tend to favor the mingling of found objects with more traditional instruments and an affinity for chance and silence whenever possible. These sonic worlds are explored through work with ensembles such as Umbilicus; a percussion quartet consisting of Baltimore improvisers’ Tom Goldstein, Paul Neidhart, and Will Redman. She is also a founding member of the science/music ensemble The Inverse Square Trio which seeks to demonstrate and illuminate acoustic properties and aural illusions through the works of Alvin Lucier, Steve Reich, Diana Deutsch, Richard Feynman and others. Purdy also embraces more traditional musics, most recently being her study with Professor Gina Beck on Javanese & Balinese Gamelan percussion. Purdy has been a member of The High Zero Foundation and Red Room Collective since 2016 and is happy to announce the forthcoming release of her duo tape “Six Improvisations for Two Vibraphones” with Will Redman on 20/20 Records.