Friday April 19, 2024 | 8:00 pm
RM Francis / Maria Shesiuk / Jeff Carey
An evening of electronic music in it many forms: computation based composition strategies, hardware synthesis, and computer controlled mechanical noise. R.M. FrancisRM Francis is an artist based in Seattle working with computer-generated sound and language via recording, installation, and performance. He has presented work at the Mills College Center for Contemporary Music (Oakland), Gray Area […]
Wednesday May 25, 2016 | 9:00 pm
M. Geddes Gengras/Mitchell Brown/Tom Boram/Jason WIllett
Even if you smoked poisonous toad venom and designed flyers using only American Apparel ads as source material you couldn’t even imagine the analogue vistas and twinkling auroras of this synesthetic synth-anaesthetic night! Slide down from your Klein Bottle and saddle up a big pig swig of this – M. Geddes Gengras(LA) Mitchell Brown (LA) Tom […]