A totally unique night of artists taking traditional bowed instruments into far reaches of sound art and noise, multi-media interactivity and expanded cinema!
Tomaž Grom, concert bass/multi-media conceptual art (Slovenia)
Eric Ostrowski, violin/expanded 16mm projection (Seattle)
Liz Meredith, violin/viola and analogue tape(Baltimore)
We are happy to welcome Tomaž, an amazing improvisor and bassist from the incredible creative community of Llubljana. ON this evening, he will perform with his software/hardware creation, the Neponovljivo-
Visual Hallucination / Auditory Hallucination (Unrepeatable) – musical instrument
- Neponovljivo (Unrepeatable) is a musical instrument, which consists of recorded musical sequences performed by different musicians developing their individual musical language. It is a derivative of a music group which appeared for the first time under the name of “Privid, prisluh” (Audiovisual illusion) and is now continuously multiplying. The musician can make music by selecting the source, defining volume and randomness, which generates a continuous and unrepeatable composition. “Privid, prisluh” is a continuously evolving creation, combining original and live music. It is taking place at the intersection of technologically processed contemporary sonority and the elementarity of digitized clean sounds. It is a meeting place of the absent technologically reproduced performers and the immediate presence of the live musician in a concert context. It is a confrontation space of spontaneous solo performance and the subsequent structuring of individual musical presences, joined by a musician as a real presence in live performance.
Eric Ostrowski has been a pillar of the Pacific Northwest experimental community for ages. Working in mediums of Avant-Film, soulful-riffing and spiritual evocation improvisation, Ostrowski bends the light at the end of the tunnel and points it back far enough for the audience to briefly catch a glimpse.
Seattle’s Eric Ostrowski will screen his hallucinatory 16mm film Avenue of the Dead, a hand-painted barrage offering “subconscious meltdown” amidst “the ruins of Teotihuacán.
Baltimore’s Liz Meredith is a master violinist/violist, a musical polymath with deep chops and a a deep resume performing in every imaginable subculture of experimental music imaginable. He recent work incorporates analogue tape along with her string playing.
Each performer takes a really different approach to blowing out and tearing apart the idea of the solo string performer. A perfect evening to savor in these waning moments of the Baltimore summer.